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Our History

About Us

We are a totally volunteer-staffed and operated group of enthusiastic amateur family historians. We are dedicated to providing the expertise and resource materials to aid both members and visitors in researching their family history whether locally or world-wide.


In June 1984 a small yet enthusiastic group met and decided to form a Branch of the Western Australia Genealogical Society (WAGS). Since that time membership has grown steadily and we have been able to add greatly to our library of research material which now contains a comprehensive range of assets and resources to aid members and visitors in researching their family's history.


A turning point in our progress came in 2000 when the WAGS decided to disband its Branch system. Faced with the dissolution of the Branch, the members decided to continue as an independent society. The name "Busselton and Districts Genealogical Research Centre" was adopted, the "and Districts" being included to indicate that in addition to residents of the Shire [now City] of Busselton, the resources of the Centre are available to residents of the surrounding Shires of Capel, Augusta-Margaret River, Nannup and beyond.


The name was duly registered and on 26th. of April 2000 the Research Centre became a "Not for profit" Incorporated Association with the stated objectives:
a) To promote and encourage participation in genealogy and family history.
b) To support the instruction and training of members and other people in genealogy and family history research, record keeping and writing of family histories.
c) To develop, maintain and conduct a Family History Research Centre.
d) To affiliate and co-operate with bodies beneficial to the development of genealogy and family history.
e) To conduct social and promotional activities for the benefit of members and other interested people.


The wheel turned full circle when in a further stage of development the decision was taken to affiliate with the WAGS bringing mutual benefits to members of both organisations.

"A Rose By Any Other Name... "

In 2002 the name was changed to Busselton Family History Society. This was done to introduce a less formal-sounding, more user-friendly name and one which more accurately described the nature of the Society. In the interests of simplifying the name as much as possible the "and Districts" was also dropped in favour of including a suitable slogan on the Society's official publications to indicate that it also embraces the surrounding areas.


There are no residential qualifications for membership which is open to anyone world-wide, nor is research limited to local areas, our resources are global.
Casual visitors are also welcome to use the resources of the Centre for a nominal fee.

Our Mission Statement

"To recognise the importance of our ancestry and heritage and to encourage the recording and preservation of it for the benefit of this and future generations"


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Affiliated Societies

Albany Family History Society

Australind Family History Society

Geraldton Family History Society

Mandurah Family History Society

Rockingham Family History Society

Western Australian Genealogical Society

Non-affiliated Societies and Sites

Margaret River & Districts Historical Society

Outback Family History

Western Australia Now and Then



Webmaster: Geo.